Thursday, April 14, 2011

Small Groups & Short Stories

The other day in language arts we re-read the story we read the day prior that we had been discussing. In language arts this week my students are studying the message of a story and what lessons can be learned from text. These pictures were taken as my students worked on their story additions. The task was to write text that continued the story we read and changed the message of the story. An illustration to go with the picture was also part of their assignment. These students love to express themselves through the use of art and drawing so I find myself adding a visual art component to my lessons whether it is drawing a picture of a story, a picture of their environment for science, or decimals through pictures of dominoes in math. I have learned just how much fun dominoes can be in math and the many many uses they have. Tomorrow they will explore decimals through a different medium when we make our own individual abacuses.