Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Resume Update

A couple days have gone by and it is time to update my resume as it is rapidly growing. The longer I stay in Belize the more occupations I experience. This time it is an Infant I teacher. The other day the principal of R.C. came asked me to sub for an Infant I teacher whose Aunt passed away. The way the grades work here there is preschool (for those who attend) and then Infant I so this is a combination of our Kindergarten and First Grade. I had the pleasure of teaching 37 Infant I students. The age range was 4-6 years old. At first I was a little nervous to sub for this age group simply because for those students who come to elementary school with no prior school experience regular behaviors that would be expected of a student in school are foreign to these kids. This can be anything from sitting in a desk, not talking when a teacher is talking, to completing their work and keeping their hands to themselves. I had a great experience though and thoroughly enjoyed teaching these little munchkins. Luckily the class I was subbing in was so excited to have a new "teacher" and "miss teacher" as you are called here that they were very eager to please and complete their work. These are some pictures of the little ones hard at work practicing their letters, studying community workers, and practicing reading!