Monday, April 11, 2011

Meat Pies Anyone?

At R.C. there are many fundraisers to help raise money for supplies and to help keep up the grounds of the school. One of the fundraisers is to sell food during breaks. Boxes of food are delivered to the school and teachers are required to sell the goods for a designated price deemed by the principal. One of the local favorites is meat pies. These are a hot ticket item at break. They look like a mini pot pie and have a meat filling inside. This filling consists of ground beef and a dark sauce. I have heard that some meat pies can be spicy although the ones sold at R.C. are not. I have enjoyed a couple meat pies while I have been here and have helped my teacher sell them as well. Each meat pie is sold for a dollar and a shilling, which is $1.25 Belize or $.75 American. This picture is what a box of meat pies looks like. The teachers are required to sell all the meat pies in their box before the break is over. The break lasts 15 minutes and there are three layers of meat pies in one box.