Friday, April 15, 2011

My Trip Has Been Made

I have enjoyed everyday here in San Pedro. Each day has brought new challenges and experiences both in the school and in life here in Belize. Yesterday made my trip and I as I leave to go inland I have a sense of completion and success within me.
Yesterday began as usual. I got up, took a shower, and got ready for school. We left to begin our daily walk to school around 7:30 in the morning. We stopped by latitudes to get the morning usual. Wheat toast with butter and a pineapple pleasure smoothie from non other than the famous Latitudes. As I waited for the smoothie and toast to be made I confirmed our dinner reservations there for that evening. Being a daily customer I have gotten to know the employees at Latitudes very well. I would say we are on a first name basis but who isn't on this island? I organized a group dinner for the interns and grad students at Latitudes. For those students who work at Isla Bonita and the High School it is has been more difficult for them to enjoy the great food and hospitality at Latitudes due to schedules and locations on the island. I on the other hand have had the pleasure to stop by Latitudes sometimes more than once a day. After meeting the owner a couple times I asked him if he would be willing to stay open for dinner so that our group could come eat and enjoy a group meal together. P.J. the owner at the time graciously agreed and was so excited that we were all coming for dinner. I think this excitement came from the extra business we were bringing in to Latitudes as well as the fact that he was in the process of selling Latitudes to a couple in the states and this group event would be an extra selling point perhaps. Sure enough this past Monday morning I went in to give them the orders for the specific wraps and smoothies so that they could plan accordingly and get enough fresh tortillas for the event and found out that P.J. was no long the owner. That passed weekend he has sold Latitudes and is hoping to open future restaurants/businesses here on the island. Our group dinner was still on and everything was all set to go.
I headed to R.C. after leaving Latitudes in the morning and had a wonderful second to last day with my students. My teacher had them write letters and make cards for me which was a nice surprise. As we talked to them about today being their last day before break as well as my last day in the schools with them they all began to get sad. They emerged from their chairs like zombies calling me "mommy" as they moved closer and closer until I was swallowed up in the hugs and love that poured from them. This was one of those moments you live for as a teacher. Not just when kids hug you or say they will miss you but when all your students, even those that took you weeks or months to reach feel just as home if not more at home with you than they do at their own house. Those moments when you can tell they know you care. You look into their eyes when you are talking and just that undivided attention and connection makes their whole world brighter and you can see their whole face light up. This was one of those moments and my eyes filled with tears. Immediately my little munchkins saw the tears in my eyes and asked if I was sad and I told them they were happy and sad tears. This took some explaining how you could be happy and sad at the same time.
After school I walked back down the beach and back to Pedro's Inn. I dropped some of my things off and changed out of my school clothes before heading back down the beach to Latitudes. The dinner was not until 6:00 pm after our meeting but I had "class" at 5:30 to attend. Stay tuned for more about class. I got the dinner organized for the group and the date set and then had a once in a life time opportunity come up. I got to Latitudes and decided to try something new and ordered french toast. I was never a cinnamon fan back home and definitely did not like any type of food related to cinnamon. Put a little on the apple pie and besides that hold the cinnamon for me. Not the case here in Belize. Give me banana cinnamon waffles, cinnamon rolls from Pandulce Bakery and now I could add Latitudes french toast to my list! I got the french toast to go in order to get back to Pedro's in time and they packaged it up in a to go container along with some delicious syrup. Again not a fan of syrup in the states but boy is it delicious here!

... To be continued (lunch break is only so long). Stay tuned for the part that made my trip!