Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Beach Bums

Last Friday afternoon my teacher decided that she wanted to take the students to the beach for their creative arts lesson. The students were instructed to bring their shovels and buckets after lunch. The students lined up after lunch and we took them to the beach to play in the sand. Some took this opportunity more seriously than others. Many students were very into making sand castles and constructing masterpieces and others tried climbing the palm trees to get coconuts the minute you turned your back. It very interesting to me to see the level of excitement these children have for the water and the beach. You might think that this is a regular thing for them. Although you do see many of your students playing in the water (full clothed usually) most students do not have the luxury to enjoy their beautiful country in every aspect very often. When I talk to my students on Monday mornings about their weekends and what activities they did etc. most of them respond with stories about cleaning and helping their mom or dad (madre y padre). Even though it was a simple thing to just go to the beach and play in the sand, these students were overjoyed and were almost in tears they were so excited. It warmed my heart to be a part of this experience with the children and this very positive moment in their day.