Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Last night a local eatery had our group for dinner. We all went to Wayo's Bar and Grille and had a fabulous meal. We had barbecue chicken, rice and beans, tortillas, and coleslaw. Although I never have enjoyed coleslaw back in the states I love it here. There is more substance to the coleslaw here and less mayo. To me it is almost like a small side salad here in San Pedro. Wayo's was up past the high school. We all rode our bikes through the streets of San Pedro and then hopped on the beach and biked down the beach. This was an experience. Never having biked on fresh soft sand before it took a couple bumps and slides before I caught on to how to ride on the sand. I mastered it though and did not have a single fall! Success! This picture is of Michelle and myself before we began our ride to Wayo's. I received lots of compliments on my electric orange tank top. Everything from people thinking I wanted to look tanner to being the group's designated flashlight. I think with my head lamp for caving and my light up flip flops I would have been quite a site to see riding down the streets of San Pedro if I had planned accordingly. I thoroughly enjoyed our adventure to Wayo's and planned to attend barbecue Sunday's there before my trip ends!