Thursday, March 24, 2011

I had the opportunity to help out with a P.E. lesson yesterday. At RC Standard I has P.E. once a week on Wednesday afternoons. The male students change into their uniform shirts for P.E. when they are at home for lunch and are allowed to keep on their navy blue shorts and pants. The girls change into their uniform shirts during the afternoon break and also change into shorts. The girls are required to wear navy uniform jumpers and white collared blouses throughout the day. The children get excited to change for P.E. and this subject is definitely an activity the students look forward to all week. The students in my class practiced for their futbol (soccer) tournament that is taking place school wide. This weekend is the end of a term and report cards go home so there are no games but the following weekend there are games on Friday evening and all day Saturday. I am planning to go to the games on Friday to support my students and help out as part of my service project.
Today I will stay after school for the Standard I planning meeting. There is a standard wide meeting every Thursday to plan for the following week. I was very intrigued when I learned about this meeting seeing as we have grade level meetings back home. I was able to attend a couple of them while in my internship at Eaton and am anxious to compare and contrast the differences this afternoon. I will be sure to update you on these similarities and differences later this afternoon!