Friday, March 18, 2011

Fabulous Friday!

Today is going to be an exciting day here in San Pedro! We get the chance to spend some time in our schools and meet the principals of our assigned schools. We should also get assigned out partnership teachers today and class! This will take place at 1:30 pm our time (+2 hours if you are back home). After this we have a seminar with Dr. Kubasko and Dr. Catapano at 4:00 pm to discuss the details of the requirements of our assignments and requirements while we are here. I am looking forward to this so the planning can begin on what I want to do for my service project! We have a group dinner this evening that was arranged by Laura from Romantic Travel.
Yesterday we got the chance to sit down and get to know Laura and where she is from and why she moved to Belize. She spoke to us about the culture here in San Pedro and told us some eye-opening facts. 50% of the population here is under the age of 18. Wow! Take a minute to think about that, how different that is from where we are from back in the United States and what exactly that means! I loved learning this because that makes me feel that my work and experience here is that much more influential on the lives of the students in San Pedro.
The sun is out and when I woke up at 6 am I could already feel the intensity of the sun! I think I am looking at SPF 100 applied a couple times today! :)

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