Tuesday, March 29, 2011

They All Are My Favorite

Yesterday I was walking along the beach on my way home from school. It was the hottest day yet here in San Pedro and I was exhausted from teaching and the heat. You know it is hot when the locals comment on how hot it is here. As I was walking along the beach I was reflecting on my lessons and thinking over in my head what went well and what I might modify next time. I was in the zone and after taking a couple steps past a jewelry stand something seemed off to me. I glanced back at the jewelry stand only to see a very small girl standing in a plastic chair behind the counter of necklaces. I looked around and couldn't see a parent or sibling anywhere near. To make sure she was ok I turned around and approached her and asked her how she was, what her name was etc. As I get closer I notice she is maybe 3 1/2 years old. She could even be 2 1/2 years old. She starts talking to me about the jewelry as she continues beading the necklace she has started in front of her. As I look at the jewelry she informs me that the necklace she is making is for me and that I should buy it. I was beginning to think she should go into sales and then her answer to my next question convinced me she should go into sales. I asked her which was her favorite necklace thinking I would buy it and bring it back for my younger sister. She replied with "all of them, they all are my favorites." I chuckled and then realized her mom was walking down the beach. She introduced herself and I complemented her on her daughter's skills and how well she was doing trying to sell me some pieces. I told her how cute she was and that I would be back the next day (today) to get a piece of jewelry but I wanted to confirm my little sister's favorite color. I don't think the woman and her daughter believed me. I kept my word and showed up at the stand at lunch today. The little girl recognized me walking down the beach and began waving and getting excited. This warmed my heart! As I approached the stand she was working on a new necklace. I like this one even more!! I asked her mom if when the little girl finished this necklace it could be split into two anklets. I wanted to have one and I wanted my younger sister to have one. It took some explaining with the language barrier but she understood. I proceeded down the beach to my usual lunch place, Latitudes Cafe :), and told the mom and child I would be back shortly. I ate a wrap and drank my usual pineapple pleasure smoothie as I prepared myself for my afternoon lessons. After I finished lunch I went back to the stand and the anklets were ready. The little girl was even more excited this time when I showed again after saying I would. I took this picture with the girl and she is holding the anklets. I am so excited to give my younger sister one and they have so much meaning behind them now after interacting with this young girl. I have a feeling I will be visiting her on my way to Latitudes for lunch in the future. If nothing else giving this little girl the confidence, at her age, to work hard and have an adult buy her jewelry made my trip here in San Pedro a success!